Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Poop and Christmas Cookies

So this is my 2nd Christmas as a foster parent but my first with two teen girls placed here. My foster son is the veteran and has long since realized we are crazy and far from perfect. One of the girls is a cook and the other an avid baker. As with everything else foster care related, baking with them holds surprises. These were supposed to be peanut butter balls, but, as you can see, there's nothing balled about them. They resemble blobs of, well, poop. They taste like slightly grainy peanut butter cups and are actually pretty good. I should put some deep meaningful conclusion like ending up in Holland or something. However, I think I'll leave it here and let you draw your own conclusions.

I REALLY need a blog

First things first. I have to decide and be able to explain why I write a blog. If it’s only for self-promotion, that’s just not me. I would quickly burn out. It’s one of those things I think I should do but I rebel against. Marketing myself ranks somewhere up there with root canal on my to-do list. Every article advising aspiring writers include admonition to begin a blog . . . right now -- whether you want to or not! Well, I did enjoy my previous blog, so enjoyment is there. Now I just need a focus and purpose. My style blog was easy because I just copied other people. Can I say that? Well, I just did. My ideas and style were my own but the format and raison d’etre came from a well-established genre of blogs. This is a little harder to define. One thing that occurs to me is that process complex decisions, emotions and thoughts by writing. I feel the need for something beyond personal journaling. Almost daily I write a too-long Facebook post. I post it anyway while muttering under my breath, “I REALLY need a blog. “ My friends and family frequently tell me how much they enjoy my funny Facebook posts. Some of them tell me they check just to see what I’ll say next. I’m willing to take an irreverent look at my life, raising kids and foster parenting. I say things they have thought before but didn’t say (at least not out loud with humor). Laugh or cry people. Sometimes I cry first but I try to arrive at laughter. So please bear with me as this thing sputters to a start. I’m sure the focus will be clarified soon. Until then you’re along for the ride.